Sunday, June 13, 2010


So I've been M.I.A lately & besides the fact that Spring semester was ending and work had been consuming me, I spent some time in the hospital. But, I'm better...well kind of. So I was recently diagnosed with migraines with ptosis. Yeah it kind of sucks, but I'm adjusting. It hasn't stopped me from finishing school though or following my dreams. As a matter of fact I have a 3.3 GPA in my major classes! Yay me!!!! Even with the missed days and a big fat F on one of my exams I managed to pull a B in my Fashion Promotions class! Enough of that...So what have I been up to?

Since my last post I've been driven crazy with tweets. lol. I finally had to just say enough and turn my tweet off on my phone. Aside from twitter, I went to Thursday night Art Walk downtown. It was an awesome turn out, I wish I would have gotten there earlier but unfortunately I didn't get off of work until 9.boooooo. For those of you who are in the Los Angeles area, check out Downtown Art Walk on the second Thursday of every month. For more info check out:

Aside from the Art Walk, I've just been searching an apartment and a new job. My job search sucks! I've been looking for a job in retail, but it's not really working out like I planned. My ultimate goal is to become a Fashion Public Relations Coordinator and I doubt I'll be able to obtain my goal by working at a bank. I would say, "You have to start somewhere"...but I've worked for Macy's, Puma and interned for the California Market Center. Banking isn't really my forte, but it's helping me save.

My only advice for all my struggling students and working professionals is, "Everything happens for a reason & when it's your time, everything will fall into place so don't give up and be persistent". Until next time...

Young Mi ;)

1 comment:

  1. sorry to hear about your illness, but congrads on all u achieved despite the pain.
