Friday, August 27, 2010


Guess who's back? I know I've been neglecting my blog. Sorry blog world. But I'm back with good news, the reason I've been so busy is because I got the job @ SEARS. Yup, I am the official VMS (visual merchandise specialist) & I'm killin'. I think I'll be here for a while, I'm up for a full-time position. Oh & I'm doing styling with my friend Anthony Satterwhite on the side. Yay me! Speaking of styling, I have a job this sunday, 60 girls. Should be a fun shoot. I'll be sure to post pictures. For those of you who've stuck it out during my absence, thank you. I'll get back to blogging on a regular basis now that I have my blackberry. What should my upcoming posts be about? Want tips on how to score your dream job or an awesome internship? Fashion gossip? My journey though my new styling gig? I'm open to feedback and ideas. Until next time.


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the job!!! And I'd love to hear more on your journey through your new styling gig, sounds very interesting :)

    feel free to check out my blog:
